Fire Prevention Documents
In compliance with the relevant laws on the matter of fire prevention, up to the recent CODICE, in force from 1/11/2019 for the activities without standard regulations, we prepare a preliminary analysis of the fire-fighting requirements; we also collaborate with the architectural designer in order to make the project compliant with the specific laws.
We are in touch with the Provincial Office of the Fire-Brigade and we can manage all necessary activities for the delivery of the documentation in order to obtain:
- Approval on the single activities regarding the law PDR 151/2011; this is necessary for a building permit in case of new houses or for the SCIA (“Segnalazione Certificata di Inizio Attività”, Certified Notification of Beginning of the Activity) notifications in case of revamping of existing buildings
- Projects consist of technical reports, calculation of the fire loads and plans
- Supervision and direction of works for the fire-fighting activity
- Certifications for structures and materials necessary for the fire prevention
- Certifications of fire prevention/asseveration of works completion
- SCIA (“Segnalazione Certificata di Inizio Attività”, Certified Notification of Beginning of the Activity) notifications before the beginning of works or for the certified accessibility for new buildings
- Request to the Fire-Brigade of an exception for those activities that cannot be made compliant with the relevant laws
- Renewals of the authorizations regarding the fire prevention
We also design:
- water fire-fighting systems, in compliance with the standard UNI101779/UNI12845/UNI11292
- smoke extraction systems, in compliance with the standard UNI 9494
- fire-extinguishing systems with inert gas, in compliance with the standard UNI 15004-1
- fire-extinguishing systems with water spray, in compliance with the standard UNI14972
- fire-extinguishing systems with chemical gas
- automatic fire-extinguishing systems with aereosol
- commisioning of fire prevention systems
We carry out measurements with certified instruments for tests on the fire prevention systems to obtain the renewal of the fire-prevention authorizations.